Anybody suffering from halitosis (bad breath) naturally wants to cure their condition in the simplest, cheapest and most convenient way possible. This is why many methods have come up that claim to cure bad breath at home. Of course, it is always recommended to brush twice a day and floss daily in order to remove bacteria that causes bad mouth odour.
But there are other popular methods which have been proven effective enough in curing this problem. Here are some of the popular methods to cure this embarrassing situation with home remedies:
Drinking tea - Green and black tea have compounds called polyphenols that kills the halitosis causing bacteria. It also prevents the production of compounds like hydrogen sulfide that, when mixed with air exhaled from the mouth, can cause that familiar bad smell.
Zinc ions - Zinc has been proven effective in killing sulfur compounds and enhancing the smell of breath. It can be purchased in drugstores.
Dead cells - Removing dead cells and food particles from the tongue with a tongue scraper can also be effective as it removes matter off the tongue, which is a common area where this bacteria lives. This tool to cure bad breath at home can also be bought in drug stores, although a toothbrush can also be used in cleaning the tongue. A lot of people do not bother to spend a few moments cleaning their tongue - just that little effort everyday can have a great result.
Drink lots of fluids - it keeps the mouth moist. For those who believe in Chinese medicine, the belief is that bad mouth smell is caused by too much heat inside the stomach. Drinking lots of water thus helps in rebalancing the body.
The Chinese also believed that certain foods can aggravate stomach heat, including leafy vegetables and bitter foods. Taking too much coffee, milk, sugar, alcohol and spicy foods may also worsen the condition.
The Chinese also recommend eating fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples, and celery. It has also been proven that crunchy fruits and vegetables are effective in removing bacteria and plaque in the mouth.
To avoid having to see a specialist or undergo a procedure is to use herbs like spearmint, parsley, and rosemary in freshening the breath. Chew a tiny sprig of these herbs for about a minute.
Those who have bad breath should also avoid using mouthwashes with alcohol since it can leave the mouth dry, making it a good place for bad bacteria to breed.
Use mouthwash with essential oils - Research has shown that essential oils are effective in reducing bad breath. There are commercially available mouthwash products containing essential oils, which may be more practical than preparing a home-made mouthwash.
It has also been found out that stress can be a contribulting factor as well. Stress has been shown to increase the amount of sulfur compounds, even among those with good hygiene habits.
However it is also recommended that aside from trying techniques to cure bad breath at home, individuals should see a specialist who can identify the root cause of the problem, and prescribe the most effective and lasting solution for it.
Are you suffering from bad breath? Are you looking for resources to cure bad breath at home? Simon Lenty is an freelance Expert Author and a health enthusiast who understands how you feel. Confronted with reoccurring bad breath and looking for answers to the problem so that he didn't feel embarrassed anymore when he talked to other people, Simon Lenty did the research and came up with some effective methods to cure bad breath at home that anyone can try. If you want even more information, subscribe to the free 10-part Successful Secrets To Curing Bad Breath email course at no cost.