Learning how to stop bad breath often involves regular tongue scraping and constant use of mouthwash.
There are, however, alternative procedures that you can do to help you deal with any case of halitosis:
#1 Drink Water
This is perhaps the simplest thing you can do to help control bad breath.The saliva in your mouth is a natural antiseptic, serving to kill or slow the growth of bacteria in your mouth. Drinking the recommended six to eight glasses of water a day will work wonders in hydrating your body.
It is also important to note, however, that you have to steer clear of sugared or caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These have the effect of drying out your body, aside from the very obvious effect they have on worsening your breath.
#2 Eat Yoghurt
Yoghurt is not only a delicious treat, but one that helps curb the growth of bacteria in the mouth and aid in digestion. Eating two servings of the yummy stuff a day will help your halitosis, especially when you are starting out on how to stop bad breath. This is because the good bacteria in the yoghurt will compete with the stinky bacteria in the mouth, effectively crowding out the latter and preventing them from spreading out too much.
These good bacteria will also make digestion easier, meaning that the food won't have to 'ferment' in your gut for a long period of time.
#3 Rinse with water and baking soda
Using mouthwash too often will aggravate bad breath, but simple water and baking soda should do the trick. This slightly alkaline solution will help kill the bacteria in your mouth without straining the salivary glands too much. The solution also lacks any scent, meaning it will not overpower the natural aroma of your mouth
What you then have is a mouth wash that gets the job done without damaging your mouth's natural processes - something that most commercial mouthwashes usually disrupt.
#4 Drink green tea
It's calming, it's slimming and it helps reduce bad breath as well. The polyphenols in green tea help slow down the growth of bacteria on the tongue. It may not be as strong or as visibly effective as regular mouthwash, but it is nonetheless a discreet and effective method of controlling the bacteria.
This is aside from the fact that green tea helps you relax after a long day's work while helping you lose weight faster.
#5 Eat fibrous fruits
Learning how to stop bad breath involves watching your diet, so you had better learn to start eating fibrous fruits to deal with halitosis.
The fiber in fruit aids in making digestion smoother, as these fibrous materials sweep your stomach out and make it easier to excrete the waste materials. The fruity smell will also prevent the scent of any eaten food from seeping out of your mouth when you talk.
Just make sure to avoid pungent, strong-smelling fruits if you want to avoid aggravating your halitosis. Apples and oranges are fine, but snacking on fruits like Durian will totally ruin your breath.
Drink water, sip some green tea, eat more fruits, snack on yoghurt and finish off with a baking soda and water mouthwash. Keep these tips in mind, and you will learn how to stop bad breath from some very surprising sources!
There is absolutely no reason why you should still be having bad breath problems [http://badbreathinfo.ie]. There is so much more information that is available to help you with this embarrassing problem. To get this information go to [http://badbreathinfo.ie]